Sunday, May 4, 2008

Girls Night Out!

The guys actually gave up their tickets to their wives for a game, so the girls got to go see the Jazz seal the series against the Rockets (game 6). They won by alot, but it was still an exciting game to watch! (This is me with Tracee Derbidge and Susan Napier).


Benjamin Ranch said...

I see the Lakers beat the Jazz last night...too bad.

Brad B. said...

I can't believe the guys would do that. Just think if they'd have lost game 6 and then game 7 in Houston...they'd have sacrificed watching the last home Jazz game of the year!

now that's either extreme love...
or extreme faith in the Jazz...

Joellyn said...

Is psbl Brad? So descriptive... but I only know of one person who would consider himself an html genius and then know that much about the Jazz.

Benjamin Ranch said...

Yeah, lets have the comments...its great fun to listen in! Mom