Saturday, August 14, 2010

cloth diapers

I am very seriously contemplating going the cloth diaper route. I've been inspired by various friends and family, and this blog post. The diapers I'm considering are these by Bum Genius.

They are adjustable and should last until she is potty trained. I would buy the ones with the snaps, however, because I've heard they last longer than the velcro. This particular kind has an insert that goes inside. They also have an organic cotton variety that is all-in-one. It is more expensive but seems convenient, too.

My mom thinks its pretty funny that I'm considering going that route on my third (and probably last) baby. She did cloth diapers on her first two, and thought it was a luxury when she could do disposables with her third baby.

The reasons I think I might like cloth this time are:
  1. I am staying at home with this baby.
  2. My little Eva has a sensitive little bum, and I'm hoping cloth will minimize her rashes.
  3. It is a bit of an initial investment, but I will quickly make up the cost of what we are spending on disposables (as in just a few months). Eva goes through a LOT of diapers a day right now.
  4. We burn our garbage here on the farm to reduce what ends up in our little landfill, and the disposables don't burn very well.
  5. I have a new high-efficiency, front load washer, so I should be able to keep the diapers washed with a reasonable amount of water/energy.
  6. The company I linked to above will give you a 30 day period to try them and return them if you don't like them.

BUT, I am also skeptical for a few reasons.
  1. Its not just the diapers you need. The diaper shower (which attaches to your toilet) comes highly recommended. Also, you need a pail and liner. Of course I can just use any old garbage can while I'm trying them out, but it's a lot of money to spend if I don't end up liking it. (But, I can send them back if I don't like them, apparently!)
  2. I can't decide. Will I like the insert? Or is it better to go with an all-in-one?
  3. I've heard line drying them keeps them stain-free, but with the Montana weather, that might not be possible many months out of the year.
  4. I'd like to get by with 12, but as frequently as little miss Eva needs changed, I might need to get 18.
  5. I've noticed cloth diapers can add a lot of bulk, especially the pre-fold variety. I'm not sure how these will be. I don't want them to restrict her movement.
I need to make the decision fairly quickly because I'm running out of diapers. I have taken to buying my diapers online in bigger boxes, and having them delivered right to my door, so I can't leave myself too short! :) Can any of you cloth diaper users out there offer any advice?


Amy said...

The inserts will dry more quickly than the all-in-one. Also pockets/AIOs/fitteds are much trimmer than prefolds, so they shouldn't restrict movement too much, but they may still make her move up in clothing sizes earlier. I've heard that line-drying can remove even old stains, so you can just sun your diapers in the summer. I really don't worry much about stains, since I'm not planning to resell my diapers. That's another pro, by the way -- you can sell your diapers online when you're finished and they should hold their value well. You might also like Kawaii diapers and they're a lot cheaper. They're on They have some really cute patterns! Or you might want to look at GroVia diapers, which come from a Montana company, and are available through Costco's website.

Amy said...

Also, you can get Sunbaby diapers on Ebay that are supposed to be good and cheap :) They do take a long time to ship, though, because I guess they come from China?

emily said...

You know I have a bum genius baby and it works for us. I haven't had to buy a diaper sprayer...I just dunk the poopies once and a while if they need it. I would also recommend planet wise diaper pail liners. You buy two and wash one with your diapers. Easy easy easy

Unknown said...

Do it! If you are home and have the time you should give it an honest try. You'll save tons of money, especially if she'd in diapers for 2-3 years.

Talk of the Town said...

This is very interesting because I'm thinking of doing the same thing for many of the same reasons. But mostly because I can't stand the thought of burning plastic or putting all those diapers in a landfill. I am going to try out the these

I got a starter pack a couple weeks ago. I'm also looking into buying a disposable diaper made buy a company up here that is completely compostable. We can compost the wet ones or burn the others without any pastic fumes. Kind of cool.

Tina said...

I cloth diapered Jared and Gavin and loved every minute of it! I used MotherEase diapers, they were the snap diapers. It's addicting, be careful! (:

I never had a diaper shower and did just fine with a couple of toilet dunks for the dirty ones. I used a garbage can and lots of baking soda, and did a load every other day. You will definitely want to stock up on borax. For detergent, I used a hunter's detergent (and the name is totally slipping me right now); it leaves no scent behind and can be found at Wal-Mart in the hunting section.

I wasn't concerned about stains either, but I did love the way the cars slowed on Amsterdam road to look at all the diapers hanging on the fence! The sun really does bleach away everything. I did do some line drying in the winter, and then rewashed the frozen diapers and dried them.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do! It's a lot of fun cloth diapering, and they are so cute nowadays too.

Tina (Tawnya's sister in law)