Wednesday, August 11, 2010

the world according to Sarah

This is what you get when a 4-year old finds your camera.

^ the cloudy sky

^ the gravel driveway (notice the bolt—there are all kinds of artifacts like this in our driveway from the years of working on farm equipment.)

^ a random rubber boot (either drug up to the house by the dog or Sarah—hard to tell. Maybe it was the dog and Sarah.)

^ the living room wallpaper

^ the popcorn ceiling (it's sparkly!)

^ the living room carpet

^ her *messy* room

^ toys on our new table

^ the baby's head

^ the shop

^ her Daddy working on the swather

There were a hundred more like this. I should give her the camera more often. Gives you a glimpse into life around here!


Casey Hyer Photography said...

pretty impressive!

Lisa said...

Ah, the new table! It's beautiful.

emily said...

my son does this much so that we gave him my old digital's so much fun!

Paige's Parents said...

I haven't read any blogs for a looong time apparently - I had a lot of catching up to do! Your house in UT was beautiful...I'm sure your new house will be just as wonderful with your amazing talent. A house is definitely just another house until you make it your home. Wow that was deep and thoughtful.
Love the pictures of baby Eva, what a little sweetie. I think it's adorable that you have three girls! How fun.
Ok, that's enough comments. Love your blog.

Emily, Bob, Etta & Mae said...

There are some really great photos on there for a 4-year old!

Lori said...

very good job! i love the feet picture.

Unknown said...

LOL, love it! The wallpaper shot is ahead of her time. You should give her the camera and do this type of thing once a month. It's make a cool collage for an entire year.