Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Harvest time

I've had fun showing you our house over the last few days, and I'll be back next week with more photos.

But for now, I thought I'd dedicate this week to catching you up on our busy life around here. Harvest is almost wrapped up. It is a festive time and takes everyone's time and energy and long hard days to complete.

The bins are full of pure gold—golden wheat that is, and our overflow quonset is full clear to the front. Trust me, this is one huge pile of wheat.

^ This is the quonset from the outside, but this picture doesn't really do it justice.

^ Unloading the combine out in the field.

^ The girls enjoy the occasional ride in the combine after we bring supper out to the field. More about harvest dinners in another post.

^ Here they are after a trip around the field with Grandpa.

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